Thursday, April 14, 2011

A way whe there is no way

My Dad has explained creative people as lazy although I understand his point of view I disagree.

I believe that creative people work very hard for a little while perhaps harder than anyone else to secure a more desirable outcome whether that be a way to spend less money and have what you need and like or by creating something yourself because it doesn't exist and it's existence would greatly increase quality of life.

This next person I'll call Miss Resourceful

I have been observing her for years and she is an inspiration for sure!
When she first got married she had furniture with upholstery that she didn't care for so she went shopping and reupholstered everything transforming her entire home.

She would shop for something and not want to pay for it and create it herself for a fraction of the cost. From shower curtains to bibs. In some cases she generated things that she could very easily sell. Talk about a proverbs 31 lady.

She is very organized and you would never know that she in a lack of a pantry, stores boxed cereals under her bed. When I laughingly questioned her about it she said, " there is not a square inch of this place that we don't use." But you would never know it her house is beautifully arranged and not a bit of clutter.

She has grapefruit and tangerine trees in her yard and her family eats them regularly she used wood from a pool deck she had as a kid to construct her children a swing set and fort and it is pretty great if you ask me! This should be an indicator to everyone that creativity is intelligence with a purpose!

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